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Exhibition of renowned Peking Opera artist kicks off in U.S.

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) — An art exhibition showcasing world-renowned Chinese artist of Peking Opera Mei Lanfang’s life achievements kicked off Friday at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, the largest city in the Western United States.
On the occasion of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Mei and the 94th anniversary of his visit to the United States, the exhibition “Reunion: Mei Lanfang and the United States,” hosted by USC and the Chinese National Academy of Arts, will last from Sept. 13 to Dec. 20 at the USC East Asian Library, which is well known for its unique collections documenting Chinese culture.
Mei Lanfang (1894-1961) was an acclaimed Chinese artist of Peking Opera who made prominent contributions to improving and popularizing the traditional Chinese art.
In 1930, Mei embarked on a six-month theatrical tour to the United States. During his visit to Los Angeles, Mei received an honorary doctorate from USC.
The exhibition will present to audiences the traditional oriental art aesthetics and spiritual core represented by the Chinese artist through various types of exhibits, including paintings, historical photos, and precious publications.
USC’s Dean of Libraries, Melissa Just, said in her speech that the remarkable collection of artifacts highlights Mei’s extraordinary life and legacy.
“Thanks to all of you and to the unique items featured in the exhibition, we are able to step back in time and explore Mei’s remarkable life and embark together on a cross-cultural collaboration to better understand its meaning for us today,” she noted.
Li Shufeng, vice president of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, called Mei “an ambassador of art” who brought opera art and Chinese culture to the American people and made epoch-making contributions to cultural exchanges between China and the United States.
The Chinese National Academy of Arts is the only national-level comprehensive academic institution in China that integrates art research, art education, art creation, and intangible cultural heritage protection. It’s also a cultural and artistic think tank. ■
