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UN Security Council extends mandate of peacekeeping mission in Lebanon

UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 28 (Xinhua) — The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on Wednesday to extend the mandate of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) until Aug. 31, 2025.
By adopting resolution 2749,the Security Council also demanded the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) and urged all relevant actors to implement immediate measures toward de-escalation — including those aimed at restoring calm, restraint and stability across the Blue Line.
The council also encouraged the UN secretary-general to ensure that UNIFIL remains ready to adapt its activities to support de-escalation, and requested continued reporting on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) every four months.
After the vote, Lebanon’s representative said the unanimous vote on the resolution “is proof of the international community’s interest in Lebanon” and was “a gesture of hope for all Lebanese who reject war, violence and destruction.”
He affirmed Lebanon’s commitment to ensuring UNIFIL’s security and safety, and urged those present to work together toward de-escalation, ceasefire and the implementation of relevant resolutions.
UNIFIL was originally created by the Security Council in March 1978 to confirm the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon, restore international peace and security and assist the Lebanese government in restoring its effective authority in the area. After the 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel, UNIFIL’s mandate was expanded to monitor the cessation of hostilities and to accompany the deployment of Lebanese armed forces throughout southern Lebanon as Israel withdraws its troops.
According to UNIFIL, the force has around 10,500 peacekeepers coming from 48 troop contributing countries. ■
